Good Old Fashioned Calligraphy with Modern Laser Cutting Technology

Good Old Fashioned Calligraphy with Modern Laser Cutting Technology

Every so often we get the chance to work cooperatively with talented calligraphers and photographers. One of these opportunities presented itself recently when we were approached by Linda Sung.  Linda owns and operates her own calligraphy and lettering company,  37th and Lettery.  The project was a styled shoot and the mission was to recreate one of Linda’s signs as a three-dimensional wood sign.

I fell in love with her work upon taking a peek at some of her hand created design samples online.  Her work has a modern flair that keeps with current trends but still has the wonderful feel of traditional calligraphy. The fact that she operated a local Greenville, South Carolina business was a bonus. 

What’s not to like about traditionally produced calligraphy, created by an expert craftsman, which is digitally processed and produced as laser cut art?  What a way to add some flourish to the event!

Linda sent us the design promptly. It took a matter of minutes to make the calligraphy “laser ready”. Birch plywood was the material of choice for the job. A few minutes later a sign was born.

The photos were taken by Lauren Curry, a talented local photographer who was kind enough to share the images she captured with us.  

If you would like totally original laser cut designs for your event, please let us know!  Contact us at  We love coordinating with talented individuals like Linda Sung to bring one-of-a-kind creations to life.

If you would like to see more of Linda Sung’s wonderful work please check out her calligraphic designs at

Need a professional photographer for your life changing event? Check out Lauren Curry’s photographs at

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